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Aquaculture Frontiers, part 3: Shrimp, in search of order (and profit)

Aquaculture Frontiers, part 3: Shrimp, in search of order (and profit)

Aquaculture Frontiers, part 3: Shrimp, in search of order (and profit)


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Aquaculture Frontiers, part 3: Shrimp, in search of order (and profit)

Matt Craze, producer of the Aquaculture Frontiers series, talks to Undercurrent News about global shifts in aquaculture, including pitfalls and opportunities in shrimp farming. Also find out what it takes to produce an Aquaculture Frontiers report. [audio mp3=""][/audio]   Launched in October 2018, Aquaculture Frontiers is a series of reports providing a comprehensive snapshot of the global aquaculture segment. Written by Undercurrent News contributor and consultant Matt Craze via Spheric Research, the series outlines business opportunities in aquaculture, with all its complexity and power to disrupt the seafood industry. The Aquaculture Frontiers series is our best-in-class reporting on the state of the aquaculture market, told through the perspective of the industry’s senior decision makers in various segments. The series is unique in the industry, as it is based on primary market research and shoe-leather reporting, aided by many interviews and site visits. View sample

Aquaculture Frontiers, part 3: Shrimp, in search of order (and profit) 

This report is a deep dive into the $28 billion shrimp market that is undergoing a transformation from family-owned mini farms to a hi-tech animal protein industry. It is being shaped by societal changes and increasing demands for sustainability. Even amid a prolonged bout of low prices, leading companies from Ecuador and Vietnam are investing millions in environmentally friendly and antibiotic-free value chains. We look at why major seafood players like Cooke and Mitsui are diversifying into shrimp, snapping up some of the best producers during this lull in the market.   We also analyze the differences in opinion that exist in the market regarding the future supply of key producers China and India. The report has been compiled by interviewing dozens of leading shrimp industry executives, and visiting farming sites in Central America, China, Ecuador, India, Peru and Vietnam.  The report contains:

  • Detailed analysis of key markets including China, Ecuador, India and Vietnam gathered from primary research in those countries. 
  • A broad overview that maps out the key challenges and state of the global shrimp industry in 2019.
  • At least a dozen infographics that provide key insights into this complex marketplace. 
  • A comprehensive analysis of efforts and research to overcome major disease challenges, from genetics to pharmaceutical treatments.

Available as a one-off, or series

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